Multiple items when exporting into excel

I am currently reporting on defective gully’s after inspection. I have an AQS data source set up to show me every gully that has been inspected and has an outcome of ‘not running’ ‘rodding eye missing’ etc. However when i export this, the gully condition column reads either ‘1 item’ or ‘2 items’.
Does anybody know whether there is a way to get it listed in the column (for example, ‘not running, damaged ironwork’) instead of the item readings?
It is vital we have more than one outcome so i can’t bulk action the existing and change max input to 1.
thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Hi Jamie,

What you’re describing is achievable but you’re going to have to create a Custom Report using a Join Data Source.

You’ll need to create two AQS data sources, one for your inspections and another for the outcomes and join from the inspections to their outcomes. If you put this into a Table Report Document, that should output a .csv file with repeated rows for each of the different outcomes an inspection can have, like below:

Inspection Number Status Outcome
INS-01 Completed Not Running
INS-01 Completed Damaged Ironwork
INS-02 Completed Damaged Ironwork

You’ll need to make sure the actual text attribute of the Outcomes lookup is included as a table header, not the link attribute from the inspection, this will avoid summarising the child items: “2 items” as it does in the Data Explorer.

Hope that helps?

Hi Jonathon

Just tacking onto this. When I’ve built a query in Data Explorer and exported that data, I get a string of IDs which are split by the | (pipe) symbol, like the below. This is suitable for us.


I have made an AQS query in the report builder and get the “1 Item” / “2 Items” etc.

I have tried saving the Data Explorer query and loading it into a Report Builder data source but it doesn’t not like this, instead deleting most of the JSON text instead of saving it.

This report is to export our data as a backup that we can continue to work from as necessary then feed back into Alloy. As such, having multiple rows for the same item would not work. The data must export as one feature = one row.

Hi Chris,

That is expected behaviour, the export feature is designed to generate .csv files which can be re-imported back into Alloy in the original format. With report data sources, they were intended to create data that will be more human readible.

For creating your own backups, I’d recommend using the export function due to the re-importability of the data. Also, there’s the added functionality that if you have any linked items, the export will generate .csv files for those linked items separately with associated link information, allowing for them to be re-imported easily too.