Update Days remaining


I have a ‘days remaining’ field which I need updating when certain trigger events occur, so that we can monitor the time remaining with a particular team.

Initial values:
Days Remaining: 14
Day Raised: 10-Sep-2033
Now(): 20-Sep-2023

Example would be:
Old days Remaining - (Now - Day Raised) = New Days Remaining
14 - ((20-Sep-2023) - (10-Sep-2023)) = 4

Is this possible in workflows?


Congratulations on the first of what I hope is many posts.

This type of calculation is possible using workflow computations. We have some guides on our help portal - https://help.alloyapp.io/web/workflows/computations that will explain a little about them.

We also have a consultancy team who can look at assisting you with this should you require more assistance.



Thanks for the response, I had a feeling that was the case! Is the way to initiate the computation workflow through the ‘HTTP’ node?

I think I would need to see what you are trying to achieve and the triggers that are required. My expectation would be that this would be a computation within a specific workflow. If you need to use this like a function then a requirement to use a manual trigger workflows may come into play.

You could also use HTTP posts to call a third party piece of software to do the calculation but it should all be achievable within Alloy so I wouldn’t see a need for that.
